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– Greg Faherty Certified Professional Resume Writer –

Professional Resume Writing Service

Having a Perfect Resume can increase your chances of getting an interview threefold

image You could have the best resume in the world yet still get no interviews, simply because of Applicant Tracking System (ATS) problems. A standard resume is designed for the human eye to read, but colors, graphics, and even certain types of fonts and spacing can disrupt the ability of ATS programs to correctly read a resume. And when the ATS cannot read a document, that document doesn't move forward in the application process. This means your resume could be sitting somewhere, unread, while less-qualified applicants get interviews, simply because they had the right type of resume. Here at www.a-perfect-resume.com, we not only offer eye-catching resumes designed to be handed to people in person, but alternate resume formats for specific uses. We can provide ATS-optimized resumes, plain text (ascii) resumes (for pasting into emails), and HTML resumes (for posting as web pages), along with LinkedIn Profiles, executive biographies, and any other job search document you might need. Check out our list of services now! 

In order to succeed in today's highly competitive job market, you need a resume that stands out and 85% of resumes are not as effective as they could be.That is from a recent survey of hiring managers and HR professionals, who all agree that if a resume isn't prepared correctly, it drastically reduces the chances of an interview. At www.a-perfect-resume.com a national Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) will write your resume, cover letter, CV, federal resume, and any other documents you need for your. We provide the highest quality professional resumes and cover letters, with proven, guaranteed results.
Click here for your FREE resume analysis and guaranteed price quote.


A Professional Resume Can Advance Your Career

If your resume isn't working you are losing valuable time and money.

Professionally-written resumes and cover letters can get you more interviews and dramatically shorten the time spent looking for a job. Hard to believe a resume can make a difference in your getting that new job or promotion? Consider that there might be facets of your knowledge and experience that can be applied to your current position that may not have considered.  If you want your resume to stand out from those of other applicants, you need a professional-looking document. In today's highly competitive job search environment, it's no longer enough to have a friend write your resume, or to copy one from a book or computer template. At www.a-perfect-resume.com, we specialize in creating the right resume just for you. A professional resume writer determines what information should be emphasized and included, based on your career needs. In addition, the writer utilizes effective keywords and eliminates the factors that can often cause your resume, curriculum vitae, or cover letter to be overlooked, such as typos, irrelevant information and formatting issues.

Your resume and cover letter are your marketing tools, and the only pieces of information a hiring manager or human resources representative has available to make the decision of whether or not to interview you. Sending someone a document with missing information, mistakes, or a poor format is like handing someone a business card with no phone number - you won't receive any calls! The candidates with the best skills are not always the ones who receive interviews - it's the ones who best present their skills in a manner that is effective and professional. Not only does a professional resume market you in the best way possible, it also indicates that you have the business savvy and goal-oriented determination employers like to see. Think about it from the employer's point of view - if an applicant doesn't take the time or effort to put together the best job search documents possible, there's a good chance he or she won't put forth 100% in their job, either. Considering that getting a new job or position can mean hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of your career, the resume and cover letter are some of the most important documents you'll ever use. Invest wisely in your future. Why wouldn't you trust those to a professional? www.a-perfect-resume.com is a quality website offering the best, effective resume services online now at affordable prices. Standard resumes, IT resumes, executive resumes, engineering resumes, and so much more online now for the USA and the world.

Talent, Expertise, and Service

All documents are written by Greg Faherty, Certified Professional Resume Writer. We do not use contract writers, trainees, or template software of any kind. As a client of ours, you receive personal service from a writer who has more than a 99% satisfaction rate with both his own clients and those of the various major international firms he has provided his services to over the years. In addition, your final package will not only include a resume, but also a cover letter and thank you letter, at no extra charge! Finally, you will have the security of knowing that your new documents were written specifically for you - we never use cookie-cutter formats or templates like many of the discount companies on the Internet. With all that you have riding on your resume, doesn't it make sense to make sure you have the most effective document possible? Fill out our free resume critique form today and receive an analysis of your current resume or CV.

We Can Improve Your Resume

In order to succeed in today's highly competitive job market, you need a resume tht stands out and 85% of resumes are not as effective as they could be. That is from a recent survey of hiring managers and HR professionals, who all agree that if a resume isn't prepared correctly, it drastically reduces the chances of an interview. At www.a-perfect-resume.com, a national Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) will write your resume, cover letter, CV, federal resume, and any other documents you need. We provide the highest quality professional resumes and cover letters, with proven, guaranteed results.